Gifting Memories this Father’s Day with Wonderkraftz

Gifting Memories this Father’s Day with Wonderkraftz

June 16 is Father’s Day, a special day that celebrates the significant father figures in our lives. Read on as Team Wonderkraftz traces the origins of Father’s Day, highlights the significance of the occasion and gives you the perfect Father’s Day Gift ideas. Delve into the long list of personalized Father’s Day gifts you can pick for the most special men in your lives.

It’s that special time of the year again! June 16, 2024 is the much-awaited occasion of Father’s Day.

The day holds immense significance as it celebrates the special role played by fatherly figures in our lives. Be it a biological father, adopted father, grandfather, older brother, uncle or any other individual who has played a significant role in shaping your life, this is the day to acknowledge their contribution to your life.

It is the perfect opportunity for us to thank these wonderful father figures in our lives for the love, support and guidance they have bestowed upon us.

Father’s Day: Tracing the Origins of the Day

When it comes to acknowledging the importance of parents, one tends to primarily talk about mothers. Viewed as the supreme nurturing figures, mothers’ contributions to an individual’s life are widely celebrated. On the contrary fathers remained the unsung heroes of a child’s life. This was evident in the fact that Mother’s Day became an established holiday much earlier. 

This same sentiment is what propelled the establishing of a special occasion to celebrate father figures. Dating back to the early 20th century, the origins of ‘Father’s Day’ celebration are traced back to a West Virginia Church. On July 5, 1908, a special Sunday sermon was conducted in the honour of 362 men who had tragically lost their lives in an explosion at the Fairmont Coal Company mines in Monongah.

While it was a one-time celebration, the very next year saw Sonora Smart Dodd launched a campaign to recognize a specific day to acknowledge the contributions of fathers. Sonora’s campaign was inspired by her love for her own father, William Jackson Smart who raised six children as a widower and a Civil War veteran.

Sonora’s campaign for Father’s Day picked up pace and received the support of President Calvin Coolidge in 1924. But it still took a good four decades for Father’s Day to be established as a recognized day. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the very first presidential proclamation which decreed that the third Sunday in June would be celebrated as Father’s Day. It was then in 1972, President Richard Nixon made Father’s Day a permanent national holiday in the United States.

What started in the United States has today become a popularized celebration across the world.

Unique Father’s Day Celebrations: Personalize by Personality

 Every culture celebrates Father’s Day in its own special way. In fact, every family has a unique way of celebrating Father’s Day. While some prefer a jubilant and social celebration by hosting a big family gathering, others lean towards a quiet yet sentimental celebration.

 Either way, it is essential to recognize what your father values more and craft a day that honors his interests and makes him feel special.

 For the more outgoing fathers who enjoy having a good time, it would be ideal to plan a family fun day. Pick out his favorite activities, food, music and craft a celebration with all of that. A family barbeque with foot tapping music can do the trick. A great gift for such fathers’ would be a personalized gift hamper that could include his favorite liquor bottle, a music album of his choice, his go-to chocolates etc. The trick is to make it fun and make it personalized.

 Then there are father’s who prefer a quiet yet meaningful way of celebration. For such father’s plan a special day at home. Cook his favorite meal and watch a family movie together to have a quiet and peaceful celebration. Sentimentality is paramount for such men and the perfect gift for them would be a personalized scrapbook or photo album. Fill it with photos and memorabilia from special days gone by and take your father on a walk down memory lane.

 Some families enjoy an adventure and like indulging in outdoorsy fun activities. For such families it would be idea to plan a camping trip to celebrate Father’s Day. Go out in the wilderness, enjoy a day among nature and make memories with your father. You can pick a Bluetooth speaker to gift your adventurous father. Adding a musical touch to your adventurous holiday is a perfect recipe to make your father happy.


Know your Father to Make his a Happy Man


In today’s busy day and age, we often get carried away in our day-to-day activities. Without even knowing it we might end up ignoring the very people who are the closest to our hearts.

Let this Father’s Day be a reminder to carve out time in your busy schedules to spend with the man who shaped our lives and supported us throughout our journey. Give him your undivided attention, talk to him, understand his aspirations, wishes and fears. The more you know about your father, the closer you will feel to him.

 While many special gifts can be bought that give your father all the material pleasures in life, yet the best gift you can give him is your time and attention. So, this Father’s Day, don’t forget to spend quality time with your father and make him feel special and valued.

 Wishing all the amazing men out there a very happy Father’s Day!







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